Wills, Trusts & Ancillary Documents | Guardianships | Asset Protection & Medicaid | Probate | Estate & Trust Administration
Bring on a senior level paralegal to your team that specializes in estate planning and administration. This paralegal will fit into your day to day operations within your firm similar to how a direct hire would act, only virtual and on a contracted basis. Experience the benefits of hiring a full or part time employee, but without the added costs and headaches.
Utilize our private OneHub Client Portal to securely share documents for drafting, providing a predictable turnaround time with a senior level team of paralegals drafting your documents. Your returned documents will require little to no edits and be ready for your client’s review.
Eliminate up to $20,000.00 per year from normal employee costs such as taxes, unemployment & workers’ comp. insurance, office space, equipment, retention and unproductive hours.
Estate planning can very much be a “feast or famine” practice. We provide greater flexibility offering the ability to bring us in as needed, and sideline us when not.
Our estate planning and administration team carries an accumulative of 50+ years of experience. Our abilities eliminates multiple edits and re-drafting on your end.
All of the benefits comes down to your newfound reality that you remain in complete control of your staffing, profits, and the work product you want to give your clients.
“I really shouldn’t write this testimonial . . . because I don’t want other attorneys to know how awesome Jaclyn is. She has helped me on some important cases and has performed magnificently! She is fast. She is smart. She is not afraid to dig in and figure stuff out. She’s never said anything like, “I don’’t know, what do you think we should do?” On the contrary, she researches and presents me with options. She’s a great asset to our firm!”
“I would highly recommend Jaclyn Foster as a paralegal. Jaclyn has been a contractor of ours for over a year, assisting in various types of law firms. She completes deadlines on time consistently meeting expectations. She is willing to research and learn new areas of law and always up for jumping in on urgent matters. Of the multiple clients Jaclyn has worked with for our company we have only ever received glowing reviews from our Clients. On a personal note, she is delightful and helpful to work with.”