The Future of Small Law Firms Feels Right at Home

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many law firms have taken the leap to virtual offices, working directly from home. With an ever-increasing dependency upon technology as the source for communications, many law firms, as well as clients, are embracing the ability to connect anywhere at any time. The idea has caught on even with traditional law firms, and for many good reasons. Attorneys are seeing now more than ever how important it is to have their firms adapted to the increasingly technology-dependent world.

Introducing the Remote-Capable Law Firm

freelance paralegal

It is a wise decision to have your law firm set up for access in the event your or your employees need to work remotely from home (like during COVID-19) or any other location during travel. Having your law firm set up for access anywhere and anytime provides you with a competitive edge in the court room as well. I can remember fondly a time at a week long criminal trial, sitting behind my attorney on my lap top accessing the client’s file and searching key words during testimony for reasons of impeachment.

Having your firm set up for remote access also provides you with an ability to delegate tasks to freelance paralegals and legal assistants with absolutely zero struggles. Of the multiple firms I have worked for in my freelance career, the technology side of the relationship is a breeze due to the firm already being set up for remote access.

Remote Law Firm Strategies

Building a remote law firm does not take a great deal of time, but there are some strategies that will make your transition more efficient and create an even greater ability for you to be productive and earn more clients.

●      Client Files

The first step to any remote-capable law firm is implementing technology to allow you or anyone you desire to have secure access to your client files at any time. Of the multiple firms I have worked with as a remote freelance paralegal, I have found that DropBox and VPN are the two most efficient methods to this element.

●      Client Relationship Management

You will want to ensure that any collaboration you have with your clients is streamlined to make your work seamless. DocuSign provides a secure and easy way for your clients to sign documents legally online.

freelance paralegal

Many law firms utilize practice management software such as MyCase to keep their clients up to date on the status of their case. With MyCase, you can upload documents and share them with your client, invoice, and utilize a chat feature for quick communication.

I have also found that the use of an online appointment scheduler is ideal for your client/attorney relationship. When your clients know they can go online and quickly schedule a call with you (at times you designate available), it eliminates the phone ringing off the hook and your secretary constantly asking you if you have time to take a call. I personally appreciate Once Hub for this feature.

●      Law Firm Management

Practice management software such as MyCase is also an incredibly valuable tool for task delegation, time keeping, billing, and client relationship management. However, I prefer cheaper routes when it comes to internal communications.

Project management programs such as Monday, Trello, Teamwork and Slack are all viable options for delegating tasks and keeping an open line of communication between you and your staff. When working on site at a small law firm as the case manager and paralegal, I found Slack to be especially useful.

Hire a Virtual Freelance Paralegal


As an attorney, you need assistance with daily tasks so that you can spend time with billable hours or visiting with prospective new clients. The time you spend on activities that could be done by a virtual paralegal could be spent focusing on the development and profitability of your business. It may be time for your firm to consider adding a freelancer to your team.

Virtual paralegals can give you exceptional quality while eliminating additional expenses a direct-hire employee costs. Virtual paralegals can prepare pleadings and motions, complete all administrative work, perform legal research and write briefs, eFile documents on your behalf, manage the discovery phase of your case, prepare you for trial, and much more.

The economic advantages of hiring a freelance paralegal are substantial and can give you an extra advantage in your legal practice.

Contact an Experienced Freelance Paralegal Today

As an experienced freelance paralegal, I have both academic and professional background that can help your law firm increase its productivity and profitability. I would look forward to visiting with you regarding how we could partner together and how I could specifically support your law firm with the tasks that you need to be accomplished now, so that your law firm can continue to grow.


Contact Jaclyn Foster Paralegal Services, LLC today

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Five Signs a Freelance Paralegal is Right For Your Firm