You’re likely on our website because your law firm is experiencing staffing and workload issues. You may be feeling that difficult place of not having enough work to hire on a full time, on site employee, but having too much work to handle it yourself.

This predicament typically forces attorneys to either sacrifice their personal and family life to put in those extra hours, or completely reject taking on any new clients. Neither of these options are viable for long term success and firm growth. That is why Jaclyn Foster Paralegal Services, LLC was created: to support small law firms and solo practitioners with affordable, senior level paralegal support on a contracted basis.


Upon inquiring about the services we offer, our first point of contact centers around uncovering your needs, unique to your practice and comfort levels. 

Perhaps your law firm is experiencing staffing issues and you are ready to commit to contracting a direct support paralegal part time or full time, or possibly you need someone to fill in while your star employee is on temporary leave.  You may be contacting us because one of your biggest cases is about to go to trial or appeal and you need professional assistance in, amongst other things, preparing deposition summaries, exhibits, performing juror research, or writing pre-trial motions and briefs.  


There is no one right answer to how technology is going to support each individual freelance engagement.  This is because each law firm has its own unique set up of client files, emails, docketing and case management.  In my two years of freelancing, I have not had two clients utilize the exact same methods.Some law firms utilize DropBox while others use  Some law firms have preferred me to have remote access to their client files through means of VPN or Citrix while others prefer to share one file at a time on an as needed basis.  I have worked with law firms that utilize MyCase, Clio, Slack, Monday, Practice Panther, Rocket Matter and more.  Some law firms have assigned me an email address unique to their firm, while others do not mind if I communicate with my company email.Technology will not be an issue when it comes to our engagement.  Myself, along with my freelance senior paralegal team, are well versed and adaptable to multiple platforms.  We fit into your unique way of how you manage your day to day operations within your firms, and do not require you to change anything about it.  In short, we adapt to your firm, not the other way around


Jaclyn Foster Paralegal Services, LLC maintains Professional Liability Insurance providing coverage for my company’s performance of work included in each individual agreement with a limit of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 annual aggregate.  You will be provided with a Certificate of the same. Freelance paralegals have a due diligence to routinely and thoroughly check their database for conflicts.  Prior to working on any case, we run our conflict check. Because we have access to proprietary, private and otherwise confidential information, we agree to protect such information and treat any information coming from your law firm as strictly confidential. Jaclyn Foster Paralegal Services, LLC is not a law firm and does not provide legal services to the general public.  All services provided are done under the direct supervision of an attorney licensed in their state.